A rare corporate and personal theme

Professional WordPress template design

Website design refers to the stages of designing and building a website to inform, introduce the company and present its products. Website design is a process that consists of web page layering, content creation, graphic design and compliance with SEO principles.


About Nader WordPress theme

Two factors, price and quality, are very important in website design. Tehran website design while achieving the highest quality is one of the great goals of Nader. By using the advanced method and the high scientific level of our personnel, we have the honor of being one of the best website design providers in Tehran. By employing a team of professional experts, Nader is constantly trying to satisfy the customer as much as possible. Designing all kinds of dedicated and responsive websites, SEO site, application design is one of the professional activities of Nader web design company.

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Services or services are any activities or benefits that are provided from one party to another and are necessarily intangible and do not involve ownership of anything.

Shop site design

Designing and setting up various store sites based on WordPress and WooCommerce

Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the web, made his name as the first web developer in history by setting up a website in August 1991. In his first website, he used hypertext and a link to email. In the beginning, websites were written in simple HTML code, a type of markup language that gave websites a simple structure, including headings and paragraphs, and the ability to link to other addresses via hyperlinks. Compared to other methods, this was a fresh and different way that users could simply open linked pages with a browser. As the web developed, its coding language, HTML, became more complex and flexible. Tools such as tables, which were mostly used to display data graphs, were soon misused for hidden layouts on web pages.

Corporate website design

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Database integration technologies, such as server-side scripting languages such as CGI, ruby, node js, Python, PHP, ASP. NET, ASP, JSP and ColdFusion and modern design standards with templates (CSS) have reshaped and advanced the structure of websites. Responsive site is a site that is compatible with the dimensions and resolution of different devices and users regardless of the small screen size of their device.Also, with the arrival of animated images and animation technologies to the pages, such as Flash, the face of the web changed more than before and new capabilities were given to media creators and web designers.

Mobile app design

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سایت‌های ثابت یکبار طراحی می‌شوند و اطلاعات مورد نیاز در داخل آن‌ها قرار می‌گیرد و پس از آن برای تغییر در آن‌ها نیاز به یک طراح حرفه‌ای یا نیمه حرفه‌ای سایت است. زبان برنامه‌نویسی این‌گونه از سایتها غالباً HTML و Java Script هستند که در نوع توسعه یافته تر از CSS نیز بهره گرفته می‌شود. این نوع دسته از وب سایت‌ها به صورت HTML ساده طراحی می‌شوند.از آنجا که حجم کمتری از کد در طراحی سایت‌های ثابت استفاده می‌شود سرعت بارگذاری (Loading) بالایی دارند. علاوه بر این کاهش حجم کدها که باعث خوانایی بشتر سایت توسط ربات‌های جستجوگر می‌شود از یک سو و کاهش زمان بارگذاری از سوی دیگر سبب بهتر شدن وضعیت آن‌ها از لحاظ امتیاز دهی موتورهای جستجو یا همان «رنکینگ» می‌شود. سایتهای ثابت قیمت طراحی پایین‌تری را نیز عمدتاً نسبت به سایر سایت‌ها دارند.

Responsive design

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محتوای سایتهای داینامیک بعد از طراحی توسط افراد عادی که دسترسی به سیستم مدیریت محتوای سایت را داشته باشند قابل تغییر است. زبان برنامه‌نویسی وبسایتهای پویا می‌تواند براساس نیاز متفاوت باشد اما عمدتاً از زبان‌های ASP، ASP.Net و PHP استفاده می‌شود و از زبان‌های کمکی CSS و Silver light یا Ajax برای ایجاد قابلیت‌های ویژه نیز بهره گرفته می‌شود.در این‌گونه از سایتها ابتدا اسکلت سایت توسط طراح ایجاد می‌شود و سپس محتوا توسط مدیران سایت‌ها تغییر می‌کند مانند فرم قراردادی که یکبار توسط فردی ایجاد می‌شود و توسط افراد دیگری بارها تکمیل می‌شود، از این رو طراح نسبت به محل قرار گرفتن و اندازه دقیق متون و تصاویر و سایر عناصری که بعداً توسط مدیران سایتها تغییر می‌کند اطلاع ندارد بنابراین چاره‌ای ندارد جز اینکه همه حالات را در نظر بگیرد و اینکار سبب می‌شود تاحدودی از گرافیک و جلوه سایت کاسته شود.

SEO and digital marketing

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Portals are comprehensive dynamic sites that pursue several specific goals in one site, in other words, the sum of several dynamic sites that are put together to achieve a specific goal can be called a portal. For example, a news portal can be made up of several dynamic sites, each of which provides its managers with special features such as membership registration, publishing news, publishing pictures, surveys, etc.All the features of a dynamic site can also apply to a portal.Note: Portals are usually purchased by organizations, groups and companies. Due to the need to update different parts of their administration, it is very difficult for one person unless it is viewed as a part-time job at least.

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